
Information Accuracy. The International Association of Credit Portfolio Managers (IACPM) does not guarantee the accuracy of the information available through its website. The materials and data provided through this website are intended for general informational purposes only, and are not intended to provide specific investing, tax, business or legal advice to any individual or entity.

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Copyright. Certain contents of this website are copyrighted by IACPM. You agree that information provided on this site will be used solely for your own use and benefit, and this information is not to be distributed, sold, transferred or otherwise made available to third parties.

Member Survey Results. The IACPM member survey results are for IACPM Member institutions only and we ask you not to distribute the results outside of your institution. Requests to reproduce or redistribute survey results in whole or in part outside your institution have to be approved by the IACPM Executive Committee on a case-by-case basis.

Member Survey Methodology. IACPM member surveys are conducted amongst IACPM member institutions. Every member institution is invited to participate in IACPM member surveys. Each institution can submit one survey response for each conducted survey. The data reported in member surveys is necessarily limited to information received from the respondents to the survey, and should not necessarily be viewed as representative of the entire field or subject of the surveys. IACPM makes no recommendations, or suggestions regarding the conduct of its members or others in areas or activities covered by member surveys.