Full Membership

This class of membership is required for banks with assets of over US$100 billion and is available to all types of financial institutions managing portfolios of credit assets. Only Full Members are eligible to serve on the IACPM’s Board of Directors.

Full membership includes the ability to attend the IACPM’s Member Only Conferences* as well as the ability to be nominated for and serve on the IACPM Board of Directors and/or chair any IACPM committees. The meetings are of utmost importance to our members as they include, in addition to the open sessions, certain “members only” closed sessions in which committee updates and current issues affecting credit portfolio management are examined and discussed. These meetings are also excellent opportunities for our members to share their expertise with others and to network.

It also provides access to the Members Only sections of the IACPM website which include detailed documentation related to committee projects and papers and results of IACPM member surveys.

Associate Membership-Banks and DFIs/ECAs

This class of membership is available for Banks with assets under US$100 billion and for all DFIs/ECAs.

Associate Membership includes the ability to attend IACPM Conferences. Associate Members may not serve on the Board, but they may chair committees. Associate membership provides access to all IACPM publications, staff, other members through the membership directory and the Members Only portion of the website. Associate Members who wish to serve on the Board must upgrade their membership to full Membership before they can be considered.

Associate Membership

This class will be available to all types of non-bank financial institutions managing portfolios of credit assets.

Associate membership includes the ability to attend IACPM Conferences. Associate Members may not serve on the Board, but they may chair committees. Associate membership provides access to all IACPM publications, staff, and other members through the membership directory and the Members Only portion of the website. Associate Members who wish to serve on the Board must upgrade their membership to full Membership before they can be considered.

Associate Membership – Insurance Brokers

This class will be available to all types of insurance brokers that have a strong interest in important developments and initiatives that are of concern to credit portfolio management.

Associate Insurance Brokers may attend IACPM Conferences and, by invitation, some Regional Meetings and Webinars. Associate Insurance Brokers may not serve on the Board, but they may participate on Committees. Associate Insurance Brokers will have access to all IACPM publications, staff and other members through the membership directory and the members’ only portion of the website.

Associate Membership – Law Firms

This class will be available to all types of law firms that have a strong interest in important developments and initiatives that are of concern to credit portfolio management.

Associate Law Firms may attend all IACPM Conferences and, by invitation, some Regional Meetings and Webinars. Associate Law Firms may not serve on the Board, but they may participate on Committees. Associate Law Firms will have access to all IACPM publications, staff and other members through the membership directory and the Members Only portion of the website.

*All membership applications must be approved by the IACPM Board of Directors. Non-members may only attend two conferences before membership is required.

*Members are asked to pay a fee to attend conferences and may be asked to pay for select virtual meetings such as the Educational Seminar. All other regional meetings, participation in research and surveys are included as part of the membership.

For information regarding membership dues, please email Argie Simon, Senior Director, at