There is certainly no shortage of challenges facing global financial markets but, for the moment, many appear to be on the back burner.
IACPM Submits Responses to EC Basel III Consultation
The IACPM submitted responses to questions n°109 and n°146 of the EC Consultation on Basel III review.
Survey Shows Increased NPI Usage for Risk Mitigation
The IACPM partnered with ITFA to look at current NPI practices and LGD treatment when used as a credit risk mitigation tool to release capital or increase lending capacity.
IACPM Responds to EBA on Weighted Average Maturity
IACPM responded to the European Banking Authority Draft Guidelines on the determination of the weighted average maturity of the contractual payments due under the tranche.
IACPM FOCUS: Regulatory and Accounting News 2019
IACPM has released the annual Regulatory Newsletter that provides member firms with an update on important regulatory advocacy efforts.
Threat of Rising Tariffs is Impacting Outlook
Survey respondents are increasingly seeing signs of a slowdown in the global economy without calling for a recession.
All Eyes on Fed as Credit Conditions are Softening
There are signs of softening in credit markets with a pickup in defaults and weakness in Europe and US manufacturing but central bank action could change everything.
Recession Fears Took a Back Seat
Where we are now is a sea change from the end of last year. A number of economic data remain poor, but the general sense is central banks will be supportive and keep economies moving forward.
Rising Defaults Expected Globally
A lot of people have cautioned that we were getting close to the end of the economic cycle. Now, it appears we’ll see it in the next 12 months.
IACPM FOCUS: Regulatory and Accounting News 2018
In 2018, the IACPM remains active in a wide range of regulatory advocacy topics. Our efforts are now focused around the impact of regulatory changes.