
Membership in the IACPM is open to all financial institutions worldwide that manage portfolios of corporate loans, bonds or similar credit sensitive financial instruments. IACPM membership is institutional and there is no limit to the number of people who may participate in the activities of the Association once their firm is approved for membership.


For more information on membership, please contact:

The Association represents its members before regulatory and administrative bodies in the US and internationally, holds bi-annual conferences and regional meetings, conducts research on the credit portfolio management field, and works with other organizations on issues of mutual interest relating to the measurement and management of portfolio risk.

Membership Dues

The Board of Directors of the IACPM vote to determine the rate of annual membership dues, which are payable in full in January of each year. New members who join over the course of the year have their dues prorated to the nearest quarter. The IACPM offers three tiers of membership including Full Membership, Associate Membership and Associate Law Firms.