IACPM joined the Global Financial Markets Association, the Institute of International Finance and the Structured Finance Association to respond to the Basel Committee’s technical amendment on capital treatment of securitisations of non-performing loans.
IACPM Responds to the European Banking Authority
IACPM provided comments to the European Banking Authority on the revised guidelines for significant risk transfer (SRT) under the CRR. The EBA had requested feedback to the December 2017 SRT published rules.
Disconnect Between Credit Professionals and Financial Markets
Credit professionals forecast wider credit spreads and rising loan defaults; a stark contrast to results in global financial markets which, after a steep drop at the onset of the pandemic, have largely recovered.
IACPM Responds to CMU High Level Forum
IACPM responded to the proposals of the High Level Forum on the Capital Markets Union. The proposals, if implemented, would help expand the importance of synthetic securitisations as an important credit risk management tool.
CPM Current Issues & COVID-19 Results
The results of the IACPM Current Issues survey highlight shifting recovery expectations as well as uncertain future COVID-19 pressures.
Managing Non-Financial Risks
The IACPM has partnered with BCG to conduct a study on Non-Financial Risks which will focus on identifying and addressing non-financial risks affecting credit portfolios.
COVID-19 Regulatory Guidelines
To support its membership in these challenging times, the IACPM has compiled a reference list by jurisdiction of published COVID-19 Regulatory Guidelines relevant to the Credit Portfolio Management Function.
Bleakest Default Outlook Since 2008
The outlook for rising global corporate debt defaults over the next 12 months is the most pronounced since the first outlook survey was taken at the end of 2008 at the beginning of the Great Recession.
IACPM Issues a Joint Association Letter on Credit Insurance’s Role During Covid-19
In a joint association letter to the European Commission, the IACPM highlights credit insurance's role in bank lending facilitation during the Covid-19 crisis.
IACPM Responds to ESMA on Securitisation Repository Data Completeness Guidelines
The IACPM responded to the European Securities and Markets Authority on the Guidelines on securitisation repository data completeness and consistency thresholds.