The IACPM responded to the ECB consultation on its approach to options and discretions available in EU law.
IACPM Responds to the PRA Consultation CP13/24
The IACPM responded to the PRA Consultation CP13/24 – Remainder of CRR: Restatement of assimilated law which is focused on potential changes to CRR and securitisation.
IACPM Participates in a Joint Association Letter in Response to the European Commission Consultation
The IACPM participated in a joint association letter in response to the European Commission consultation.
IACPM Responds to the European Commission’s Securitisation Consultation
The IACPM responded to the European Commission Targeted Consultation on the functioning of the EU securitisation framework 2024.
IACPM Response to the FSB Consultation on the Evaluation of the Effects of the G20 Financial Regulatory Reforms on Securitisation
The IACPM has submitted a response to the FSB consultation on the evaluation of the effects of the G20 financial regulatory reforms on securitisation.
Role of Insurers in Securitisation
The (re)insurance industry has the capacity to contribute significantly to the securitisation and risk sharing growth and robustness in the EU, as investors and as providers of unfunded protection.
IACPM Responds to the EBA Consultation on Draft Regulatory Technical Standards
IACPM has responded to the EBA consultation on draft Regulatory Technical Standards on the allocation of off-balance sheet items and UCC considerations under article 111(8) of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013.
Private Risk Sharing Protected €18.5 Billion of Banks’ Junior Tranches in Synthetic Securitizations in 2023
The IACPM's annual SRT survey shows substantially increased volumes with more than 500 synthetic SRT transactions issued between 2016 and 2023.
IACPM Provides Member Feedback in Response to the ESMA Securitisation Disclosure Template Consultation
ESMA has consulted with the industry for views on the Disclosure Templates used in securitisation deals.
IACPM Responds to the PRA Consultation on Securitisation: Capital Requirements
The IACPM responds to the PRA's Discussion Paper DP3/23 - Securitisation: Capital Requirements.