While the credit outlook has improved across the globe, there are differences between North America and the rest of the world, especially Europe.
Will Stimulus Lead to Inflation and Higher Interest Rates?
Waves of government stimulus have stabilized corporate loan portfolios, but IACPM members voice concern about possible long-term impact of the mammoth amount of liquidity.
IACPM Responds to the European Commission
IACPM responded to the European Commission public consultation Review of Prudential Rules for Insurance and Reinsurance Companies (Solvency II).
Economic Stimulus Important but Vaccine Paramount
Fiscal stimulus has played a key role in settling markets and the economy, and while credit default and spread forecasts remain negative, credit conditions seem to be stabilizing and ‘Worst Case’ may not happen.
The European Commission has published the Capital Markets Union Action Plan
The European Commission has published the Capital Markets Union Action Plan. The Action Plan highlights the 16 different actions. IACPM has highlighted three that are relevant for credit portfolio managers.
IACPM Responds to the Basel Committee
IACPM joined the Global Financial Markets Association, the Institute of International Finance and the Structured Finance Association to respond to the Basel Committee’s technical amendment on capital treatment of securitisations of non-performing loans.
IACPM Responds to the European Banking Authority
IACPM provided comments to the European Banking Authority on the revised guidelines for significant risk transfer (SRT) under the CRR. The EBA had requested feedback to the December 2017 SRT published rules.
Disconnect Between Credit Professionals and Financial Markets
Credit professionals forecast wider credit spreads and rising loan defaults; a stark contrast to results in global financial markets which, after a steep drop at the onset of the pandemic, have largely recovered.
IACPM Responds to CMU High Level Forum
IACPM responded to the proposals of the High Level Forum on the Capital Markets Union. The proposals, if implemented, would help expand the importance of synthetic securitisations as an important credit risk management tool.
COVID-19 Regulatory Guidelines
To support its membership in these challenging times, the IACPM has compiled a reference list by jurisdiction of published COVID-19 Regulatory Guidelines relevant to the Credit Portfolio Management Function.