Financial institutions have made significant progress in using new data and techniques for CPM, but challenges remain around technology, talent, and integration of climate/ESG.
ESG and Climate Study Shows Significant Progress
Industry players across sectors and regions recognize the significance of ESG & climate risk factors for credit portfolios and are accelerating efforts.
Attractiveness of PCRI to Mitigate Credit Risk Increases
The attractiveness of Private Credit Risk Insurance (PCRI) has grown among participants in a recent IACPM & ITFA study on current practices.
CPM Leadership and Resilience in the Credit Crisis
The IACPM published a White Paper on the findings of its biennial 2021 Principles and Practices in CPM member survey.
Mobilisation of Private Capital in Relation to UN Sustainable Development Goals
IACPM recently completed research on Mobilisation of Private Capital in Relation to UN Sustainable Development Goals: Bank Interaction with DFIs.
Non-Financial Risks Reshape Banks’ Credit Portfolios
The IACPM collaborated with the BCG to survey 45 financial institutions globally about practices and aspirations for managing non-financial risks in their credit portfolios.
IACPM/ITFA Private Credit Risk Insurance Survey
The IACPM and ITFA have partnered to conduct a periodic survey on Private Credit Risk Insurance (PCRI).
Risk Appetite Frameworks: Evolving Practices
Amid the onset of the credit crisis and the challenges in 2020, the IACPM conducted its second benchmarking study on Risk Appetite Framework practices.
CPM Current Issues & COVID-19 Results
The results of the IACPM Current Issues survey highlight shifting recovery expectations as well as uncertain future COVID-19 pressures.
Managing Non-Financial Risks
The IACPM has partnered with BCG to conduct a study on Non-Financial Risks which will focus on identifying and addressing non-financial risks affecting credit portfolios.